Last week I went to go visit my friend Jenny. She's pretty swell. Sometimes we like to be ridiculous. (OK, all the time)

She's lived in DC for about 3 years, and I've been lucky enough to visit her 3 times! (For any of you who are wondering, DC is a fantastic place to visit. So many beautiful sights, lots of quirky/fun areas, and a wonderful public transportation system). Since one post on DC would be doing the great city an injustice, I decided that my first post would just be about the museums I visited.
Aside from a visit to The Holocaust Museum during my last visit, this was the first trip that I was able to visit the plethora of museums that DC has to offer. (Sorry, Post Office Museum. I'll visit you next time. Or something). Since trying to pick a favorite museum would be pointless, here are some of my favorite items/moments from each of the museums I visited:
Portrait Gallery - The courtyard area is breathtaking. It's the perfect place to give your feet a rest, look at the gorgeous architecture, and update your Facebook status. Also, the Electronic Superhighway. Look it up.
The National Archives - I saw the Declaration of Independence, but I did not see Nicolas Cage trying to steal it.
Natural History Museum - Mummies (!), "guess the spinal deformities (!!)," dinosaurs (!!!). OK, this was one of my favorite museums. I am sad that I missed the Titanoboa exhibit.
American History Museum - The Star-Spangled Banner, and having a conversation with a random guard about Big 12 football and the nation's best BBQ. I mean, why wouldn't that happen at the Smithsonian?
National Gallery of Art - It's fun to watch a bunch of people pretend to be interested in art.
US Botanical Gardens - Unexpectedly delightful.
Air and Space - Luckily, I was able to hear a grown man say (very seriously): "WHAT?! The Russians beat us to space!?!?!"
American Indian Museum - Don't worry. They had an exhibit about the Quileute Tribe. You know, the tribe from Twilight.
National Aquarium - Unless you need to kill 20 minutes and you have $10 burning a hole in your pocket, do not, I repeat, do NOT go to this aquarium. I've seen more aquatic life in Oklahoma on my drive to work.
National Zoo - Giant pandas, a lion pride, a green anaconda, Cuban crocodiles, a giant octopus. What more could a girl want?
There you have it. What is your favorite DC museum?