These are the Clem sisters.
From left to right, they are Jenny, Sally, and Julie.
They are some of the most wonderful people ever.
(Back story - this picture is kind of my favorite for a couple of reasons. 1) It's hilarious. I mean, duh. 2) Jenny didn't know that Sally and Julie were behind her, and Sally didn't know that Julie was behind her. Surprise! Pretend stabbing everyone!)
We've all spent a great deal of time with each other over the past 9 years, but obviously, some hang-out-sessions have become etched in "Clemily History," and they are referenced often.
One such instance was a Friday evening a few years ago that took place after a long week of school and work for all of us. Somehow the stars aligned, and everything about that evening was perfection.
The month was *September. The year was *2007.
One Friday at 5:00, Sally picked me up.
We drove to Stillwater.
We took multiple pictures of us recreating famous monuments (obviously).
Yellow chicken curry was made.
We laughed.
We pretended to be pioneers.
Crème brûlée was made.
Jenny and I army crawled through the living room.
We laughed more.
We went to Third Place (!) and got delicious coffee beverages.
And then we played Skip-Bo.
And I'm pretty sure Julie was confused as to why Jenny and I were insane the entire night.
We also went to pick out a movie, but I don't remember what movie we picked out.
I'm sure it was stupid.
Stupidly awesome, that is.
Now comes the part where you get to enjoy some pictures from that evening.

(One day I will be better at photo collages, but today is not that day)
*Dates may or may not be accurate. As unforgettable as that night was, let's face it - my memory is the worst. All I know is that it took place in Stillwater on a Friday night when we were all still in college, and it was the best.