Dear Hair,
We've had our ups and downs (both literally and figuratively) over the past 20-something years. Some days I really feel like you love me, but then you go and treat me like you did today. What did I do to deserve the frizz-splosion that took place today? Sometimes I think you make me look horrible on purpose. Why can't you be more like Felicity's hair?! I'm sorry. I take it back. I love you, hair. Let's start over?
Dear Auto-Zone Employee,
When I asked you a question about the way my car has been acting, I didn't want you to say "google it." If that's all I need to know how to do, maybe I'll go ahead and apply for a job at Auto-Zone. "Excuse me, ma'am? Will this oil work in my 1995 Subaru Legacy?" "I don't know. Have you tried Googling it?"
Dear Oklahoma City,
I'll be honest. When I first met you, I thought you were the worst. You were hot, your nightly news shows were horrible, and you thought Braum's was the end-all in fast-food/ice cream. Since then, we've come a long way. I've discovered so many wonderful things about you, and I've been able to overlook the obvious folly in your stance on Braum's.
PS - You've been looking extra fabulous lately with all of the downtown activity. Thanks for not losing faith in me. Let's be friends.
Dear Ben and Jerry,
Thanks for never letting me down. Ever.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Does anyone remember that blog?
I recently mentioned it in passing at work, and my co-workers had never heard of it.
And they're white.
I was greatly confused.
Obviously, I did the correct thing, and I forwarded my office-mate several links to things that white people like.
Surprise, she also liked those things.
It's time for my very first blog challenge.
Is that a thing?
It is now.
The person to point out the most white things from these pictures wins a prize.
It will be an awesome prize.
Once I figure out what the prize is, I'll let you know.

Any guesses?
Also, tomorrow is Friday, which is a wonderful thing.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Travel Dreaming: USA
Usually around this time of year I start compiling all of the places that I'll visit during the upcoming summer months. Since the farthest place I'll probably travel this summer is Stillwater, OK, I figured I'd compile my dream vacation list.
In no particular order:
Savannah, GA
I mean. How could you not want to go there? The South. History. Food. Spanish moss. I dream of leisurely walking along Oak-lined streets and sipping sweet tea on a rickety front porch.

The Grand Canyon
Some of you may ask why someone who is deathly afraid of heights would want to visit the grand canyon. To them I would say, I'll look from a safe distance.

Seattle, WA
A super chill city where everyone is addicted to coffee? Yeah, I'll visit that place. I'd also like to thank "Sleepless in Seattle" for making me want to visit this city long before I truly understood why I wanted to visit this city.

Denali National Park - Alaska
I want to see all of Alaska. All of it. But since that is probably not going to be an option any time soon (or ever) I will settle for Denali National Park. Mountains, lakes, and hopefully grizzly bears. You heard me.

New Orleans, LA
This is the only location on this list that I have previously visited. I want to eat more beignets while overlooking the Mississippi. Next time I go, I will be taking a swamp tour on one of those crazy boats. I can only hope that my tour guide's name will be Jimmy Bob and that he will only have two teeth.

Yellowstone National Park
I can only hope that I would see a grizzly bear attack something
(hopefully not me or another human (unless they were a bad guy))

San Francisco, CA
Duh. I mean, duh.
I've been to San Diego and L.A., but never San Fran, and that needs to be remedied. And, yes. I will sing the Full House theme song while driving over the Golden Gate bridge.

Las Vegas, NV
Cliche? Probably. Trashy? Most definitely. Necessary? I think so.

Bryce Canyon National Park
So gorgeous. Rumor has it that there are horseback rides you can take through the park. Ummm. Yep. Going to do that.

Everglades National Park
Any place that has a road called Alligator Alley is definitely on my "to visit" list.

There you have it. My current dream US destinations. Have you all been to any of these places? Where should I go next? Who's going with me?!
Tornado? Bake a Pie!
I've lived in the midwest for the majority of my life. The plains have a beauty unto themselves, especially during storm season. There are few things more awe-inspiring than seeing a storm roll toward you.
In Oklahoma, people go crazy about storms. There are drinking games for local weather
reporters. Other local reporters have special wardrobes they only wear during inclement weather. Probably the most famous of our reporters, Gary England, has even been lucky enough to be a part of national clips such as this. There are even clips of him in Twister.
Oh, the fame.
(abrupt segue)
Since storms tend to bring with them cooler air, gloomy clouds,
and an all around sense of excitement, my favorite thing to do during a storm is take cover? FALSE.
It's bake!
Yep. Bake.
Yesterday's storm seemed like the best day to bake a pie. And an apple pie seemed to fit with the All-American-ness that is a tornado. I love making pies.
Love it.
Before and after!
And then I had a piece for breakfast with a mug of coffee.
Who wants to come over and help me finish it? There's coffee, too!
PS - Thanks to my mother for the new pie dish (!) and for letting me borrow her apple peeler/corer/slicer (!!). It's a life changing device. Truly.
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