This is the first in what I hope to be a weekly segment on this blog.

To kick off Time Travel Tuesdays, I'd like to introduce you to my bestest friend foreverest, Joanna, aka: DJ Jazzy Jo.
Jo is fun. Can you tell? (pictured with our friend Matt. In a bathtub. Fully clothed. For a house warming party)
And now for the time travel!
Jo and I met at church when we were 12, started going to the same high school when we were 15, and somewhere around age 17 we became bff's.
Obviously, we bonded over really important things like the awesomeness that is 80's pop music, the incredible legacy of The X-Files, the deliciousness of Amigo's, and our love of never making normal faces, as displayed below.
Jo and I have done many things over the last decade. We've been to two U2 concerts (2!). We've hosted multiple X-Files marathons (X-Mas Files! ThanX-Files! SeXual Tension Files!) We've gone through dozens of bags of Peanut Butter M&M's. We've been known to dance to TLC in the kitchen. Don't worry, we've also done really serious things, like watch The Real World, Wife Swap, and Being Bobby Brown (too soon?).
One time in high school, Jo dressed up as Michael Jackson. She also named her first car Jackson (RIP, Jackson. You were the coolest 1994 Ford Escort that I've ever had the privilege of riding in).

Jo lives in Lincoln, and I live all the way in Oklahoma City, so unfortunately our coolness is separated by a very un-cool state (sorry, Kansas) and 7 very long driving hours.
One time I told her that she should marry her boyfriend, because he bought her season 1 of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman on DVD. (Side note: They did get married. They probably got married because he is awesome, and together they are the coolest couple in the world, but I like to think that Dr. Quinn and I played a role in their union).
I hope you've had as much fun during this brief re-cap of our friendship as I have. If you live in Lincoln, or even if you don't, you should be friends with Jo. She's always up for a party!
PS - you should listen to Jo discuss Russian literature and her possible Native American heritage here.
PPS - I realize that this post only focuses on the ridiculous things that Jo and I have done/love. That is mainly because this is a quick blog post and not a long chat. We aren't really this shallow. I don't think, anyhow.
PPPS - This picture:

Well, I really loved this post.
ReplyDeleteSomething I noticed: you are pretty good at predicting who your friends will marry. Maybe it's because you predict we will marry every person we like, but still. It's a gift you have.
"Joanna is famous for once winning a beauty pageant with a black eye." HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA
This make me miss you lovely ladies!!!! Hugs!