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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


High: The Thunder finished off the Lakers in game 5 of the semi-finals last night.

Western Conference Finals, here we come.

Low: Since the state of Oklahoma has not yet declared the NBA playoffs a state holiday, I'm extremely tired from staying up too late watching the games and the post-game reports.

Worth it?


High: Sandal weather is upon us.

Low: I don't have any cute sandals.

High: Matt and Jo drove down from Lincoln last weekend to hang out and be awesome.

Low: They had to go back to Lincoln.

No visit from Jo is complete without a trip to Hideaway Pizza. We also made a stop at Irma's.

It's never let me down.

I usually visit the OKC bombing memorial when people come to visit. If you have not been, I recommend it. They've done a beautiful job.

And now for the photos:

(No, I was not at the Thunder game. Yes, that is a photo I pulled off the internet. Sorry that I'm lame like that)


  1. That pizza looks soooo yummy!

  2. I think I need to meet Irma...she looks delicious!

  3. Hi: I read this post and loved it.
    Low: I couldn't absorb the sports chat because the Thunder and I aren't bffs.

    Idea: we should go sandal shopping.
